t's a double episode! Dir. of Photography Thad Brown, and a chef with almost as many Mercedes as he has restaurants, Sang Yoon! In the first part of this episode our own Dir. of Photography, Thaddeus Brown, returns from Dubai! He has McLaren F1 stories, Pagani stories, and talks about the cars he can and can't get there. In the second half we are joined by the man that invented the gastropub as we know it, Chef Sang Yoon. He has a very interesting, tasteful car collection, talks to us about cars, food, drinks, and he might have a watch or two. Thaddeus IG: https://www.instagram.com/brownbrownbrown1/ Sang's IG: https://www.instagram.com/chefsangyoon/ Sang's Restaurants: http://chefsangyoon.com/