Categories: Video

TST Podcast #298 – Matt’s New, Old 911, SEMA Wrap-up, Koenigsegg’s World Record

Matt's new 1987 Porsche 911 sitting in the parking lot. Matt has picked up his car for a Leh Keen Safari project, and spent 1,000 miles getting to know it. Zack also gives his perspective on the car and its unique driving habits. We also discuss the new top speed record, SEMA truck trends, the 6-wheeled Raptor, and a lot more. Check out the audio version of the podcast on iTunes or on ShoutEngine here! http://shoutengine.com/TheSmokingTire/tst-podcast-back-from-sema-46511 Info about the Keen Project here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWNgs0mvoewt=272s Check out the official YouTuber Challenge Here: https://youtu.be/4veuWTI4Xu4 Check out Matt's Fox Body on Track video here: https://youtu.be/LYlyQqNr1Ac