Happy birthday Valentino Rossi

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16th february 2010. Wish a happy birthday to Valentino! Post a video response and join the fans for a surprising video-gift to Valentino. To post your video-response on YouTube: click on POST YOUR VIDEO RESPONSE —) REGISTER YOUR VIDEO WITH YOUR CAMERA/UPLOAD A VIDEO FROM YOUR COMPUTER: this way you will be able to post your video. You can also tweet your video-gift to Valentino @fiatontheweb using the hashtag #happybdayvalentino

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Happy birthday Valentino Rossi

9 Febbraio, 2013
Rate this post 16th february 2010. Wish a happy birthday to Valentino! Post a video response and join the fans for a surprising video-gift to Valentino. To post your video-response on YouTube: click on POST YOUR VIDEO RESPONSE —) REGISTER YOUR VIDEO WITH YOUR CAMERA/UPLOAD A VIDEO FROM YOUR COMPUTER: this way you will be able to post your video. You can also tweet your video-gift to Valentino @fiatontheweb using the hashtag #happybdayvalentino