Filippo Kratter & Stefano Munari @ Our Future Mobility Now

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In occasione dell’evento “Our Future Mobility Now” tenutosi lo scorso 22 e 23 giugno a Bruxelles e promosso da ACEA, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, i due rider del FIAT Freestyle Team, Filippo Kratter e Stefano Munari, sono stati protagonisti di un video in cui raccontano il loro punto di vista sui concetti di connettività, tecnologia e mobilità sostenibile. On the occasion of the “Our Future Mobilty Now” held in Brussels on June 22nd and 23rd supported by ACEA, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, the two FIAT Freestyle Team riders, Filippo Kratter and Stefano Munari, were the protagonists of a video that tells their point of view on the connectivity, technology and sustainable mobility concepts.

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Filippo Kratter & Stefano Munari @ Our Future Mobility Now

26 Settembre, 2011
Rate this post In occasione dell’evento “Our Future Mobility Now” tenutosi lo scorso 22 e 23 giugno a Bruxelles e promosso da ACEA, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, i due rider del FIAT Freestyle Team, Filippo Kratter e Stefano Munari, sono stati protagonisti di un video in cui raccontano il loro punto di vista sui concetti di connettività, tecnologia e mobilità sostenibile. On the occasion of the “Our Future Mobilty Now” held in Brussels on June 22nd and 23rd supported by ACEA, European Automobile Manufacturers Association, the two FIAT Freestyle Team riders, Filippo Kratter and Stefano Munari, were the protagonists of a video that tells their point of view on the connectivity, technology and sustainable mobility concepts.