Abarth 124 rally @ 5 Rally di Roma Capitale

Abarth style on the Eternal City roads. Let's watch the best of Rally di Roma Capitale. Ready, steady, go. #rallyromacapitale #eternapassione #FIAERC #MotorSportItalia #Abarth124rally #michelin_motorsport #selenia #OZWheels #sabelt #kappa #alcantara #adlerpelzergroup #lmgianetti #dsdmodelli #FiatPROud #extremeshox #manpower"
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Abarth 124 rally @ 5 Rally di Roma Capitale

17 Settembre, 2017
Abarth style on the Eternal City roads. Let's watch the best of Rally di Roma Capitale. Ready, steady, go. #rallyromacapitale #eternapassione #FIAERC #MotorSportItalia #Abarth124rally #michelin_motorsport #selenia #OZWheels #sabelt #kappa #alcantara #adlerpelzergroup #lmgianetti #dsdmodelli #FiatPROud #extremeshox #manpower"