Porsche Soundnacht 2015 – Highlights
1 Dicembre, 2015
Am 24. Oktober fand die fnfte ?Sound Nacht? im Porsche Museum statt. Bei diesem Event lernen die Besucher ganz besondere Fahrzeuge aus erster Hand kennen: durch Fahrer, Ingenieure und Mechaniker.
Das Highlight des Events: Das Anlassen der Motoren und der ungefilterte Sound der Rennwagen. Hren Sie selbst...
On October 24th, the Porsche Museum held the fifth annual ?Sound Nacht?. At this special event, visitors were again able to learn more about treasured vehicles first-hand from race drivers, engineers and mechanics. The highlight of the event: the actual start up of the engine and the unfiltered sound by the race cars. The language in this video is German, but we are sure that the sound of the engines does not need any translation.