500C by Gucci on tour: the opening in Saint Tropez!

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The European Tour for the launch of the convertible 500C by Gucci started officially on 19th August in Saint-Tropez. Place Celli, the heart of the city, was the setting for the opening of the tour. A 5x5m glass cube branded 500 by Gucci was set at the square centre and is going to enlight it till the 27th of August.

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500C by Gucci on tour: the opening in Saint Tropez!

17 Novembre, 2011
Rate this post The European Tour for the launch of the convertible 500C by Gucci started officially on 19th August in Saint-Tropez. Place Celli, the heart of the city, was the setting for the opening of the tour. A 5x5m glass cube branded 500 by Gucci was set at the square centre and is going to enlight it till the 27th of August.