500 hp Audi S4 quattro vs 12″+ of fresh snow! Unstoppable…

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Last night we enjoyed a great winter storm, well over 12″ (30 cm) at my house. I wanted to see if my lowered Audi S4 on Dunlop Wintersport 4D snow tires was up to the task going through such deep snow.

A guest appearance is made by my 6 hp Subaru powered Ariens Snowblower (mostly unstoppable).

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500 hp Audi S4 quattro vs 12″+ of fresh snow! Unstoppable…

17 Giugno, 2015
Rate this post Last night we enjoyed a great winter storm, well over 12″ (30 cm) at my house. I wanted to see if my lowered Audi S4 on Dunlop Wintersport 4D snow tires was up to the task going through such deep snow. A guest appearance is made by my 6 hp Subaru powered Ariens Snowblower (mostly unstoppable).